The Fellowship Podcast

Ep. 01: The Call

The F3llowship Season 1 Episode 1

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Do you often wonder why we have an innate desire to be the hero in a story? In this first episode we kick off our “Hero’s Journey” season by discussing the call to adventure and the many ways the call can manifest in our lives. Whether it’s a spider bite, a wizard’s mark on a door, or an unexpected magical heritage, the call to enter the role of a hero surfaces in many stories. In our lives, it may look like being called to a profession, parenthood, or an uncomfortable task. However, “the call” is always powerful, purposeful, and transformative.  

If you are curious about the call to adventure in your own life, you don’t want to miss the launch of our 10-episode season as we discuss the impetus of the Hero’s Journey through books, movies, fantasy, and faith. So, put on your travel cloak, grab a walking stick, and slide on your knapsack. Once we depart, we will not return the same.  

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